About Me


Thank you for taking time to check out my page. I hope that this blog can help you reflect on what leadership means to you. I have had the privilege to work in leadership roles for over ten years now. There have been so many great people in my life that I have been able to learn from. This includes not only leaders I have had, but also people I have led. In this time, I have been able to figure out what I am most passionate about. I have returned to college to pursue one day achieving my Masters degree in Strategic Leadership. My mission is to bring to light the common business practices that contributes to creating a toxic work culture. Using this info, us leaders can spread out and lend a hand to those in need. Leading is a universal skill and can be used outside of the workplace as well.

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Over ten years of leadership experience has granted me knowledge and skills to connect with people and show empathy. I use this to help counter toxic work culture.